Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Little Surprises in the Craziness

The past several days have been so full and crazy at our house. Well, okay things are usually a little crazy here, but lately more so than usual!

We have had to rip out entire floors from a room finding more problems than we thought when we finally reached under the house. Lauren's car decided that high school and college was all it could handle and decided to call it quits. We have been switching rooms around as Lauren moves back home while she completes grad school which has meant cleaning out closets that should have been done long ago. To add to all of this there is still the everyday life of building a new company, assisting in the running of a nonprofit, making sure we eat, and at least trying to keep the sawdust to a minimum and the tools out of the walk way. Oh, and the several trips to drop bags of unwanted items to a thrift store and about ten bags of trash in the middle of the kitchen floor. I also may or may not feel like I am having a bit of a difficult time trying to make sure all family members have my attention and do not feel left out during all of this or slighted in anyway. This is a huge task in itself when it involves girls! Whew, how did mom do it with four girls? I also may or may not be having a difficult time remaining patient and not getting frustrated with my house a little less than organized and clean to say the least.

In the middle of all of this:

God has tucked a few little surprises like a day of this:

Where we got to sit on the beach and watch this:

I am certain that God gives us little surprises everyday we just don't always take the time to notice or acknowledge them.

Little things, like being able to enjoy a little of this:

In the midst of everyday craziness perhaps we need to be more intentional to see these surprises and give thanks. I guess it is one more grace lesson for this little lady who is still and I am guessing always will be a work in progress.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like the shifting shadows.
James 1:17

Sweet Summer Blessings,

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