Sunday, March 28, 2010

Have you heard Natalie Grant's song "Perfect People"? Its from her Album Relentless. It is amazing. This song is so true. Here are the lyrics....

Never let 'em see you when you're breaking
Never let 'em see you when you fall
That's how we live and that's how we try
Tell the world you've got it all together
Never let them see what's underneath
Cover it up with a crooked smile
But it only lasts for a little while


There's no such thing as perfect people
There's no such thing as a perfect life
So come as you are, broken and scared
Lift up your heart and be amazed
And be changed by a perfect God

Suddenly it's like a weight is lifted
When you hear the words that you are loved
He knows where you are and where you've been
And you never have to go there again


Who lived and died to give new life
To heal our imperfections
So look up and see out let grace be enough

Have a great week.

Sweet Blessings

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Something to Say, Words to Write, Called to Lead?

Do you ever feel you have something to say, but don’t know how to say it?
Something to write, but cannot find the words? You want to lead women to the heart of God, but need more direction? If so She Speaks Conference is a great opportunity to learn a better way to do all of the above.
Here is my reason for the interest and confidence in this conference:

Everyone needs to pursue their passion in life in order to fulfill Gods plan for them. My passion is sharing Jesus with others, primarily women. Why? Because I do not know how anyone can survive life without him. I certainly wouldn’t be here if it were not for Him.
Over the past several years I have attended many conferences that featured a P31 speaker sharing their story and teaching the Word of God. It has been what God has primarily used to give me the courage to begin to share my story as well. You see, I have been, and to be honest still am to some degree, guilty of wearing that famous mask that so many women tend to do. You know the mask right? The mask that allows everyone to look at you and say, “Wow she certainly has it all together”. What a sinful nature, it’s prideful, not humbling. Using our “story” is what allows us to live out one of God’s greatest promises to us in Romans 8:28, that “He will use all things together for the good…..” This means even the dirt we tend to sweep under the rug so no one can see it.
I have felt Gods calling on my life for quite awhile now, a stirring in my heart that He wants to use me. I have had all intentions of going to She Speaks for the last few years. The first year I had scheduling conflicts, the second year my business was not doing well and I couldn’t get a way, the third year I had health issues and had to have surgery (I had already sent in my money and had to cancel my registration). I believe this is the year!It would be great if it was with this scholorship. As I continue to hear God’s call on my life, perhaps its time I quit ignoring that call and pursue my passion, perhaps even more importantly HIS passion for me.
I have seen God use many of my sweet friends from P31 to minister to women. I have seen lives changed through this ministry. I cannot think of another organization that I would rather have to help me learn a better way to tell my story, learn the words to write it, or the direction to lead. I plan to do that July 30th-August 1st.

Sweet Blessings,

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Because He Says its for Girls: This is For Him...

What You Didn’t Have To Do
There are many fathers
Some are even great
But our story is much different
My youngest was almost eight

Your children were much older
You thought this part was done
Then in your life walk my three
I’m surprised you didn’t run

I know it hasn’t always been easy
Although they were really cute
A few slammed doors
Not helping with chores
Many a broken heart
And then there is always your favorite
The comments a little too smart

There are many things you didn’t have to do
But let me see if I can name just a certain few
Sharing your chair
complaints over hair
Wiping tears, consoling fears
Throwing parties bigger than expected
Vacations with great memories collected
Buying clothes, buying a car
Wow your beginning to sound like a super star

This is a short list
Over the years you’ve done much more
None of this compares to what really lies at the core
Its something unexpected you didn’t have to do
You have loved them like they're a part of you
Hardly what I call a step-father
God ordered an extra daddy this we know to be true
And I love you even more for what you didn’t have to do.

for my sweet husband, my best friend.

If you are a single mom considering a special someone I hope that God allows them to be someone that is an "extra dad" for your children as well not just a "stepdad".

Sweet Blessings,

Monday, March 15, 2010


It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon and I was spending it with my cousin. I was only eight years old, but remember it quite well. You see, the fun came to a sudden end when she ran over me with her bicycle! It was only an accident of course. I think I was skipping on the sidewalk and she came up behind me just a little too quickly. I still have a scar on my knee from the little accident. Perhaps that’s why I have always remembered what would have otherwise been a normal Saturday in the life of an eight year old. I had a scar to remind me.
We all have scars. Some are just visible to the eye while others are not. While I boast the scar on me knee that reminds me of that little mishap, I also have scars that you cannot see that reminds me of other wounding in my life. The essential thing is what I use that scar for, that reminder. Romans 8:28 “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” I can choose to use my scars to harbor grudges, self-pity, fear, and much more negative; or I can utilize them for the good. My scars can perhaps help someone that has been wounded in much the same way, allowing God to bring healing to that individual’s life, or perhaps those scars will only be used for my sake. Either way, we know God can use them for good if we allow him to. When Thomas doubted the resurrection of Jesus what was it that allowed him to believe? Yes, of course, the scars. In John 20:26 Thomas said “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it.” of course further down in verse 27 Jesus has appeared to the disciples and he says to Thomas “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side.” Jesus used his nail scared hands and side to help Thomas believe.
Do you have a scar that needs to have the bandage removed? Sometimes that is when the greatest healing takes place. Allow God to be your healer. Perhaps you in turn will be used by God to aid in the healing of others with a similar wound.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Who Is A Woman of Vision...

Where We Went....

Who We Are....

....This was Why We Went
What an indescribable three days. We laughed, we cried, we became more educated on important issues, and we grew closer.

We took on Capital Hill!

It sounds like we had a successful day from the information we have gotten back. We met with Senator Richard Burr and Congressman Walter B Davis's Aide. They listened and they agreed. It would be difficult not to agree with Bills on Child Trafficking, and Women and Children's health issues.

The speakers were awesome. The theme of the conference was "Every Woman Has a Story". Many of them shared theirs. I will share more of my personal story from the trip in a later post. This one was long enough with the pictures.
God was so good to give us beautiful weather, and a safe trip. I left not knowing what to expect, and I came home in awe of 8 great women who I now call close friends,of the pain in the world that God can so miraculously turn to good using ordinary women to help,and of how so many give of their life so selflessly. I also learned about so much more pain and sorrow in this world than what I thought was possible.
If you are interested in learning more about who Women of Vision is or how you too can become part of Women of Vision log on to or leave me a note and I would love to share with you.

Sweet Blessings my friends,
ps thank you Laury for taking pictures and sharing them

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Something is Peeking Out From the Snow...and Our Trials?

This morning as I was looking out the kitchen window to the backyard guess what I saw peeking out from under the snow? Green, I saw green! The daffodils are starting to come up! Yes, that excites me, because I am very ready for spring and that seems to be the first real sign I have seen. It gives me hope and reminds me that the weather will once again turn warm and the flowers and trees will bloom.
It can be much the same way when we are going through a tough time in our life. We feel like we don't see an end to our struggles, we need relief. And, then we remember we aren't alone, we look, and there He is. God is right there with us and it can be like a gentle reminder that we are not doing this sometimes tough life alone. God has been there all along, we just forget and tend to try and go it alone. The Lord tells Joshua in Joshua 1:5 "No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you." Just as the daffodils peeking through the snow are a beautiful reminder that spring will come around, we can be reminded that something beautiful can also come out of the trials we face although it is difficult to understand in the middle of them. Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."So, just as I will try to remember that there is the promise of Spring coming (sooner than later I hope), lets be reminded that we are not going through the tough times alone, God is with us, and we can make it through.
For more encouragement Read James chapter 1. I am doing a Disciplers Bible study on the book of James and its amazing. Chapter one speaks a great deal about trials and temptations, and is a good reminder that God will give us what we need to make it through.
Have a great day and keep warm.

Sweet Blessings,

Monday, March 1, 2010

Why Surrender All?

My Body so weary and achy
I am feeling I cannot endure
Then I remember His words
And begin to feel more secure.

So why can I not remember
That in my weakness he’s strong
That as long as I’m leaning on Jesus
Nothing can really go wrong.

As I feel I am losing control
I remember the words very clear
come unto me child for I am always near
Yet continuing to think my plan is best
I never stop to take a short rest

“Love Never Fails”
That’s what Corinthians tells
And if love did fail
what use was the nail
The blood shed scars he would suffer
“It is finished” he would say
That day on the hill so far away

So, His love for me should say it all
I should not even begin to question His call
What call you ask
The biggest of all
I surrender my all.

So often the old hymn "I Surrender All" comes to my mind and I think it is God trying to tell me, "okay time to surrender again". I am such a control freak, but it is definitely one thing (there are so many,ha)that he is working on me about. Well, the day that I wrote the poem above was one of those days He was at work on me.
Is there something you are not surrendering?

Sweet Blessings,